ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Layout Difference Between a Dutch and an English SharePoint Site

Yesterday I worked on a Dutch SharePoint 2010 site, and noticed a layout difference between a Dutch (1043) and an English (1033) site. Show image Height difference between a Dutch and an English site. As you can see there is a height difference (s4-titlerow) between the two sites. I examined the CSS to see which attributes were causing this height difference.

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User Cannot be Found When Opening List/Library Settings or Workflow Settings

Since a couple of months I have encountered the User cannot be found error a few times when accessing the List Settings or Library Settings. Show image User cannot be found In my case I encountered this error in the following scenarios: After switching the web application to Claims-based authentication; After migrating some sites to another SharePoint farm.

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