Tag: Visual Studio Code

Running .NET Azure Functions on macOS and Visual Studio Code

TypeScript is typically my go-to language for building any solution, but sometimes, you must use what is best for the job. In my current project, I am using .NET Core to build Azure Functions, and I had to get myself familiar with using .Net Core and Azure Functions on macOS.

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Protect your API/auth keys by keeping those out of your Visual Studio Code settings

While implementing the i18n (internationalization) features in Front Matter CMS, I wanted to include the ability for users to use DeepL to translate their content automatically. To be able to use DeepL, you need to have an authentication key, and the user will provide this authentication key. Initially, I defined it as a configurable setting in the extension.

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It is Demo Time; how to make your live code demos smoother

I have had many sessions at conferences over the years. One thing I always liked to do is perform live demos. Although I know things could fail, it is also fun to show the audience how things work. Those live coding demos take a lot of preparation to ensure everything goes smoothly.

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Using Vite for bundling your Visual Studio Code extension

important The CJS build of Viteโ€™s Node API is no longer supported and will be removed in version 6. As Visual Studio Code extensions do not support ESM, my recommendation is use an alternative bundler such as webpack, tsup, or esbuild instead of Vite. A couple of weeks ago, I started looking into the possibility of retrieving the Content Collections from Astro and generating content-types for Front Matter CMS.

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Add a custom themable icon to Visual Studio Code

In version 9.2.0 of Front Matter CMS, I wanted to add a status bar item to the editor that shows the Front Matter icon. To achieve this, the Visual Studio Code documentation explains you to add your icon as an icon font to the icon contribution point in your package.json file.

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Localization of Webviews in Visual Studio Code Extensions

In the previous post, I showed how to localize the extension commands/settings and code. In this post, I want to show how to localize the webviews in Visual Studio Code extensions, as this is a bit more complicated and not yet documented. First, webviews allow you to create fully customizable views for your extensions.

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