Tag: Azure DevOps

Setting variables in Azure DevOps pipelines using Node.js scripts

Last week, when looking into how to configure the Microsoft Teams reporter for Playwright on Azure DevOps in combination with the Playwright Azure Reporter, I ran into a problem where a variable that set in the Node.js task was not available in the subsequent tasks. In the reporter’s code, I noticed that the variable gets set using process.

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Using Doctor on Azure DevOps to generate your documentation

GitHub Actions is hot these days, but still, Azure DevOps is being used in many companies, and I do as well. Doctor a tool for publishing your markdown documentation on SharePoint, works nicely on Azure DevOps as well. Info I will use the doctor sample as the blueprint for this article.

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Running an Azure DevOps self-hosted agent on WSL

Some time ago, I migrated my blog from Wordpress to a static site by Hugo. To generate the static pages, I make use of Azure DevOps pipelines. The free tier, which gives me up to 1800 minutes/month, is enough, but not this month. When I wanted to publish my blog post from yesterday, I got the following friendly message:

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Quick tip: How to use dynamic variable groups in Azure DevOps YAML pipelines

The preferred way to implement pipelines these days in Azure DevOps is via YAML. Which makes the pipeline part of your code and is automatically version controlled. When you were used to the classic way of creating release pipelines, you might have used environment scoped variables. These scoped variables were great to specify to which environments you wanted to provision/install/deploy/… your solutions.

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