Tag: Azure

#DevHack: Using the synchronous Azure translation API in Node.js

The Azure AI Translator service has a new synchronous API in preview. The nice thing about this API is that it does not require any Azure Storage account to be set up to which you typically need to upload the files to be translated. Instead, you can just send the document to be translated directly to the API and you will get the translated document back.

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Running .NET Azure Functions on macOS and Visual Studio Code

TypeScript is typically my go-to language for building any solution, but sometimes, you must use what is best for the job. In my current project, I am using .NET Core to build Azure Functions, and I had to get myself familiar with using .Net Core and Azure Functions on macOS.

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Securing your Azure Functions with an existing Azure AD app

This article continues the previous article about using the OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in your Azure Functions. In the last article, the Azure Function only verifies the JWT Token, and if valid, uses it to request an access token and get data on your behalf. Info Link to the previous article about Using OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in a Node.

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Using OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in a Node.js Azure Functions

While implementing a couple of Azure Functions, I needed to use the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. With this flow, you can allow, for instance, an API to perform tasks on your behalf. This flow is great when you want to offload some of the work from the front-end or perform additional calls on the back-end when processing data.

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#DevHack: Using Azure CDN with SAS on Verizon Premium

In the previous article, I explained how you could use the Shared Access Signature (SAS) in Cloudflare. The reason that I use this approach is to make sure the Azure Storage cannot be publicly accessed. Only via a SAS token blobs can be retrieved or updated. If you want to do this for Azure CDN, I pointed to the documentation to configure this, but it seems that it has changed a bit over time.

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Using Cloudflare to serve your private Azure Storage Blobs

Recently I wrote about how to use Cloudflare as a CDN for your Azure Storage Containers/Blobs. The process for setting up Cloudflare for Azure Storage is straightforward. Info Use Cloudflare CDN for your Azure Storage caching Now to make this work, you need to configure the Azure Storage to be anonymously accessible.

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