Tag: Testing

Locally running and testing your custom GitHub Action

When developing a custom GitHub Action, you should test and run it locally before pushing it to your repository. Initially, I created a script that allowed me to run it locally, but over the weekend, I found a better way by using the @github/local-action command-line tool. Show image GitHub local-action debugger In this post, I will show you how to use the @github/local-action command-line tool to test your custom GitHub Action locally.

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Automatically create GitHub issues on failed Playwright tests

As various projects I maintain for customers include end-to-end (E2E) tests using Playwright, which run on a daily schedule and on every new release, I wanted to automate following up on failed tests. Instead of manually creating issues, I automated the process using GitHub Actions and the GitHub API. This worked great, but I thought to myself, why not share this with the world?

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Reporting your Playwright tests to Microsoft Teams

When you work in a team that uses Microsoft Teams as its primary communication tool, it can be useful to report your test results directly to a Teams channel. This way, everyone on your team can quickly see the test results and act on them if needed. Show image Playwright test results in Microsoft Teams In this article, I will show you how you can report your Playwright test results to a Microsoft Teams channel.

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Using Playwright in combination with the Microsoft Dev Proxy on GitHub Actions

Part of the process of testing the Microsoft Dev Proxy on GitHub Actions, was to use it in combination with Playwright. The advantage of this combination is that you can use the same mocked API responses which you use during development to test your solutions. info That way you do not have to write additional code to mock your APIs in Playwright like I explained in the Test the unexpected API results with Playwright mocking article.

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Locally verifying GitHub Actions Job Summaries

GitHub Actions Job Summaries are a great way to provide more information on your job’s output. This summary is shown in the Actions tab of your repository. Show image GitHub Actions reporter for Playwright with details markup info You can read more about it on Supercharging GitHub Actions with Job Summaries In this post, I’ll explain how you can locally develop and test your GitHub Actions Job Summary outputs using the @actions/core dependency.

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The Playwright Reporter for GitHub Actions

For developers leveraging GitHub Actions to automate workflows E2E tests, Playwright provides excellent documentation on its use with GitHub Actions. By default, the setup uses the HTML reporter, offering a detailed look at test results. However, I found myself longing for a more straightforward overview of these results. This led me to develop a GitHub Actions reporter.

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