ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Multilingual User Interface in Page Layouts and Master Pages

On the 30th of November I went the Biwug sessions about SharePoint 2010 Multilingual User Interface. It were very interesting sessions that gave a good overview of variations, language packs, resource files, … Based on what I heard in this sessions, I wanted to make a small addition related to the branding process and MUI.

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Deploying Branding Files Using a Sandbox Solution

When you want to create a SharePoint 2010 sandbox branding solution, you will notice that your files will be in draft (Checked out). This means that these files are not available yet for all users. Therefore two actions need to be done for each file: Check in the file; Approve the file.

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Create a New Document Using Office Web Apps

A few days ago I moved one of my personal domains to Office 365. One of the things I noticed is that you can create new documents without the need of a client application, everything is done by the Office Web Apps. Show image Create documents This is only possible from the Home page of Office 365.

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Group Items on Their Folder Name Inside a SharePoint Library

Some time ago a client asked me if you could create a view where all the documents are grouped on the folder name. The folders were used to set the permissions on documents, so they could not be removed. As you probably will know, folders could not be used in views to group documents.

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Re-add the My Links Functionality as in SharePoint 2007 to Your 2010 Site

Clients that migrate from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 may miss the old My Links functionality in their “new” environment. In SharePoint 2007, you had the option to add sites to your My Site by clicking on a link in the User Context Menu. Show image My Links Functionality in SharePoint 2007 In SharePoint 2010 this option is not there anymore.

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