Tag: Node.js

Using OAuth On-Behalf-Of flow in a Node.js Azure Functions

While implementing a couple of Azure Functions, I needed to use the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. With this flow, you can allow, for instance, an API to perform tasks on your behalf. This flow is great when you want to offload some of the work from the front-end or perform additional calls on the back-end when processing data.

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Retrieving the CosmosDB query continuation token in Node.js

For one of our internal tools at Valo, I am creating a portal for managing our project localizations. The portal itself will be produced as a static website and hosted on Azure Static Web App. The great thing about Azure Static Web Apps is that it comes with hosting and the ability to create Azure Functions.

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Have you ever thought about checking your dependency for vulnerabilities?

We all have dependencies in our projects and you probably already read some articles about dependencies which include funky things to your project without you being aware of it. Sometimes we just include these libraries in our project just because they are cool, save us a lot of development time, or because it is a requirement.

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Getting up to speed with webpack

Show image webpack After the introduction of Node.js, npm, Gulp and Yeoman. It is time to spend some time on another tool called webpack. Webpack is a module bundler and is one of the tools which is used in the building process of a SharePoint Framework client-side web part.

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Sample Node.js SharePoint webhook application released

A month ago Microsoft announced that the SharePoint webhook functionality is available in developer preview Info: here is the official article - SharePoint Webhooks Developer Preview - Now Available! To test out the functionality myself. I created a sample Node.js application which is available in the SharePoint developer samples repository: Sample Node.

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Developing and testing JavaScript / Node.js Azure Functions locally

Azure functions are available for a while now. Their purpose is to have an event-driven compute without maintaining any server or applications. On my Azure environment, I have various of these small functions running. They all do different things like keeping my Azure search index up to date, sending notifications about my NPM packages, etc.

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