Tag: GitHub

Caching Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflows

In the previous posts, I explained using the Microsoft’s Dev Proxy in a GitHub Actions workflow on a macOS and Ubuntu virtual machine. One thing I noticed is that the Dev Proxy installation fails in some runs. Show image Failed to install the Dev Proxy A way to solve this issue is by caching the Dev Proxy, and another benefit is that it speeds up your workflow.

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Using Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflow on an Ubuntu hosted VM

In my previous blog post, I explained how you could use the Microsoft’s Dev Proxy in a GitHub Actions workflow on a macOS runner. In this blog post, I will show you how to use the Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflow on an Ubuntu runner. info You can read how to configure it on a macOS runner in the Using Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflow on a macOS runner article.

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Locally verifying GitHub Actions Job Summaries

GitHub Actions Job Summaries are a great way to provide more information on your job’s output. This summary is shown in the Actions tab of your repository. Show image GitHub Actions reporter for Playwright with details markup info You can read more about it on Supercharging GitHub Actions with Job Summaries In this post, I’ll explain how you can locally develop and test your GitHub Actions Job Summary outputs using the @actions/core dependency.

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Using GitHub Project webhooks to manage labeling repo issues

For managing the Front Matter CMS releases, I have been using GitHub Projects in combination with GitHub Actions for automatically labeling my issues, which I add to the Project board. I must say: “Add to my Project (classic) board.” The classic Projects experience has been discontinued, and there is a big difference when using the new Projects experience, which is creating projects on the user or organization level.

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Retrieving an artifact from a previous GitHub Actions workflow

While configuring some end-to-end tests with Playwright, I wanted to achieve a visual comparison between the current run and the previous one. Playwright expects to have a snapshot available for its comparison. When I run this on GitHub Actions, the snapshots should be taken from my previous GitHub Actions workflow run.

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