Tag: CI/CD

#DevHack: Running a background service on GitHub Actions

Running background services on GitHub Actions can be helpful when you want to run some tests. For instance, start up the local server before running the tests. In my case, I was testing out Dev Proxy on GitHub Actions to see if I could use it in combination with Playwright to provide my mocks for my tests.

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The Playwright Reporter for GitHub Actions

For developers leveraging GitHub Actions to automate workflows E2E tests, Playwright provides excellent documentation on its use with GitHub Actions. By default, the setup uses the HTML reporter, offering a detailed look at test results. However, I found myself longing for a more straightforward overview of these results. This led me to develop a GitHub Actions reporter.

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Conditional publish packages to NPM via GitHub actions

While I was working on one of my hobby projects to automate our home with Homebridge, I wanted to have an easy way to publish my packages to NPM. I usually do this via Azure DevOps, but as one of the conditions to get the plugin verified is that it is published publically on GitHub, I wanted to give GitHub Actions a try.

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Automate publishing process of MkDocs to Static Website hosting in Azure Storage with VSTS

For Valo Intranet, we recently started using MkDocs (https://www.mkdocs.org/) for building our product documentation. The great part about MkDocs is that can generate a completely static HTML site based on Markdown files. This makes it easy to maintain and can live in a source-controlled environment. MkDocs is for example used in projects like Office 365 CLI, PnP SPFx React and Property controls for the documentation.

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