Tag: Automation

#DevHack: Running a background service on GitHub Actions

Running background services on GitHub Actions can be helpful when you want to run some tests. For instance, start up the local server before running the tests. In my case, I was testing out Dev Proxy on GitHub Actions to see if I could use it in combination with Playwright to provide my mocks for my tests.

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Using CLI for Microsoft 365 in TypeScript Azure Functions

The CLI for Microsoft 365 allows you to manage your Microsoft 365 tenant settings and data. It provides a powerful and flexible way to automate tasks for Microsoft 365, and lately, I have been using it in my Azure Functions to automate a couple of tasks. In this article, I will show you how to use the CLI for Microsoft 365 in TypeScript Azure Functions by explaining the following:

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Using GitHub Project webhooks to manage labeling repo issues

For managing the Front Matter CMS releases, I have been using GitHub Projects in combination with GitHub Actions for automatically labeling my issues, which I add to the Project board. I must say: “Add to my Project (classic) board.” The classic Projects experience has been discontinued, and there is a big difference when using the new Projects experience, which is creating projects on the user or organization level.

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Conditional publish packages to NPM via GitHub actions

While I was working on one of my hobby projects to automate our home with Homebridge, I wanted to have an easy way to publish my packages to NPM. I usually do this via Azure DevOps, but as one of the conditions to get the plugin verified is that it is published publically on GitHub, I wanted to give GitHub Actions a try.

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Automate publishing process of MkDocs to Static Website hosting in Azure Storage with VSTS

For Valo Intranet, we recently started using MkDocs (https://www.mkdocs.org/) for building our product documentation. The great part about MkDocs is that can generate a completely static HTML site based on Markdown files. This makes it easy to maintain and can live in a source-controlled environment. MkDocs is for example used in projects like Office 365 CLI, PnP SPFx React and Property controls for the documentation.

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