Tag: API

Using Playwright in combination with the Microsoft Dev Proxy on GitHub Actions

Part of the process of testing the Microsoft Dev Proxy on GitHub Actions, was to use it in combination with Playwright. The advantage of this combination is that you can use the same mocked API responses which you use during development to test your solutions. info That way you do not have to write additional code to mock your APIs in Playwright like I explained in the Test the unexpected API results with Playwright mocking article.

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Developing custom plugins for the Microsoft's Dev Proxy

For a training project I was working on, I needed to be able to intercept some API calls for some audit logging. To do this, I decided to use Microsoft’s Dev Proxy tool, which you use to simulate, mock, and test APIs. As the Dev Proxy did not have the functionality I needed out of the box, I decided to develop a custom plugin with the help of Waldek Mastykarz.

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Using Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflow on an Ubuntu hosted VM

In my previous blog post, I explained how you could use the Microsoft’s Dev Proxy in a GitHub Actions workflow on a macOS runner. In this blog post, I will show you how to use the Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflow on an Ubuntu runner. info You can read how to configure it on a macOS runner in the Using Dev Proxy in your GitHub Actions workflow on a macOS runner article.

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#DevHack: Using the synchronous Azure translation API in Node.js

The Azure AI Translator service has a new synchronous API in preview. The nice thing about this API is that it does not require any Azure Storage account to be set up to which you typically need to upload the files to be translated. Instead, you can just send the document to be translated directly to the API and you will get the translated document back.

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Protect your API/auth keys by keeping those out of your Visual Studio Code settings

While implementing the i18n (internationalization) features in Front Matter CMS, I wanted to include the ability for users to use DeepL to translate their content automatically. To be able to use DeepL, you need to have an authentication key, and the user will provide this authentication key. Initially, I defined it as a configurable setting in the extension.

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