ElioStruyf GitHub Star | M365 Development, Developer Technologies MVP | Google Developer Expert Azure | Microsoft 365 | Visual Studio Code

Along with acting as VP of BIWUG (Belgian Information Worker User Group), Elio is an independent contractor for his own consulting company, Struyf Consulting.

Approve a multi-tenant webApiPermissionRequests scope for your SPFx solution

It has been a long time ago since I wrote about SharePoint. Lately, I got into a Viva Connections project where I had to approve a multi-tenant webApiPermissionRequests scope and ran into an issue where it was impossible to approve the permission scope. Show image Failed permission approval The error that gets returned is The requested permission isn't valid.

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Managing my Hugo website with a content and asset submodule

As a developer, I’ve found that managing my Hugo website’s content with a submodule has been an excellent solution for keeping everything organized and easily accessible. There are several benefits to using a submodule, including the ability to share content with others and reuse it on different sites. With a content submodule, all of your website’s content and assets are stored in a separate repository on GitHub.

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Dispatch a GitHub Action via a fine-grained Personal Access Token

Finally, I made a move with my blog to start using two repositories in production. One repository holds all the markdown content and assets, and another contains the content of my website. The reason for this change is that I want to use the content of my blog for testing out other static-site generators and frameworks.

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The Future of Documentation: Ready for Change?

A few weeks ago, I embarked on a journey to explore how OpenAI could change the way users interact with documentation. Imagine effortlessly accessing the information you need without reading through multiple pages. Instead, you just ask a question about configuring or using a tool, and voilà – the answer appears before you.

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A CSS hack to Visual Studio Code to move the Debug Toolbar

As developers, we’re always looking for ways to enhance our productivity and streamline our workflows. One thing which has bothered me endlessly is the floating Debug Toolbar. I love the fact that it is floating, but I have to move it out of the way every time I want to do something.

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